Jul 05, 2004 18:08
hey.. well, today i was back to work, after a two-day break.. it was a good day, with flowers and clouds and all that good stuff.. what can i say i'm ok with making coffee for a living.. so.. this is my second journal.. two things you will most probably find in future entries: contradiction, and stories about my boyfriend.. actually, my fiance.. we got engaged on saturday.. it was awesome.. except he thinks i'm fat. well, technically ( to find definition of technically refer to itzy's journal..)oh, itzzy's my lil sis by the way.. she's kinda naive, so we try to take good care of her.. but most of the time she doesn't have it.. anyhow.. i trust her judgment is fine.. technically.. lol.. well, i have to go now, i have mocos and they're really starting to bother me..
soup d'jour: "Long before law and scripture
We heard the laughter, we understood freedom."
-Lisel Mueller " The Laughter of Women"