Place your bets?

Dec 28, 2006 10:12

in an effort to make life more exciting, I'm going to start taking bets on the outcome of various situations in my life. I'll present the situation, give you some background information, and then let everybody place their bets on what they think is going to happen.

Here's the question of the day: Am I still sick?

For background, I threw up twice last night (once curiously after drinking some water). It made my night pretty shitty, I'm not gonna lie. The first time was wholly unexpected, and happened several minutes after taking a large drink of water (I was suffering from a crippling thirst), although it may be worth noting that it was preceded by hot flashes and chills. Incidently, these things suck.

After the first time, I washed off, and went back to bed. An hour later, I was struck with the crippling thirst AGAIN. Having learned my lesson, I went into the bathroom to get some water, drank three gulps, and promptly went to the toilet and rejected it. It was honestly pretty weird, I've never had that happen before.

Anyway, I found a new water bottle, filled it up, and took a couple sips from it every hour or so. Thus, I made it through the rest of the night not dying of thirst, although sleep wasn't really happening for me.

And now, I'm about to go take a shower and then go eat some breakfast. It's worth nothing that I currently feel absolutely ace, which I did not feel back when vomiting was an imminent risk. Lord knows what I'm going to have for breakfast; I can give you my word that I'll do my best to avoid dairy-heavy things like cereal, but I can make no guarantee that we have things like bread for toast.

So, place your bets. Am I still sick? I'll post after breakfast to let you know the outcome.

Edit: I have kept down one (1) scrambled egg, made on the stovetop as god intended, and one (1) small glass of cranberry juice for one (1) hour with no (no) ill effects. I'm probably not sick anymore.

that actually kind of sucks, because it means I need to go into work tomorrow and saturday. oh well.
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