(no subject)

Nov 05, 2006 11:54

i am recovering from mono. Here, recovering is a word which means "I still have mono and will probably continue to have mono for another three months, but it will not affect my life in any significant way save for the fact that I cannot kiss my girlfriend unless we conclusively prove, as we suspect, that she gave me the mono. However, issues such as feeling like i want to die for a week and/or vomiting three hours after eating something have been mostly cleared up and resolved."

aaaa. i want to major in cooking at college. Except that would involve my going to culinary school, and oh god.

I would love to go to culinary school, but all you can do with that is be a chef somewhere. And being a chef is like, probably one of the worst jobs you could have. Really what i just want is a whole bunch of cookbooks that are like my bread books, but for things which are not bread, so that I can learn about the theory of cooking and make up my own stuff.

although honestly, I'd settle for having a decent set of cooking equipment out here so that I could just cook dinner every once in a while for noelle and I. she's done an incredible amount for me in these past two mono-ridden weeks, and I feel bad that I can't really pay her back in any significant way.

I think I'm just going to stop by wal mart next week and buy some pots and pans, a small knife, and a cutting board. It'll cost money, but I'll just have to be sure to get use out of them, I guess.

I want to make a cookie with yeast. does that work? most cookies are chemically leavened, which is really the only reason I want to make a yeast cookie. I need to study up on cookie theory or something.

my girlfriend insists on making live journal entries that i want to respond to but i cannot because she invariably locks them now. please don't die, babe. if you want me to proofread your papers or help you rewrite your thesis then nothing would make me happier. also i love you a lot.

i think i had something else but only god knows what it was?
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