I was chatting on aim with my beeatch
riskyaffair about the whole g situation. Lmao @ what I wrote her.
"...Ima Fcken G: well from now on out i am going to have a boo on the side no matter what. and he gonna know he just the boo, too. i ain't gonna hide SHIT. and he gonna take me shopping and love me just like a full-time boo would do. and i will semi-love him. but only as a part-time side boo, and one day when my real boo gets his ex girlfriend pregnant i'm gonna full-time my part-time boo and find another part-timer."
It's my new way of life. That is until I fall in love or whatever, but I dread to that point in time. I really do feel bad for all the guys that currently like me, any guys I will meet in the future, and any bred of the male species in life. They will sufferrrr [/end dracula voice] I think I'm scarred for life!