Jan 16, 2006 18:44
I went to my old high school today, it was terrifying. I'm applying for a passport so I need my old head of year as a counter signature to prove I'm not some fraud needing to urgently leave the country. Anyway, my school has really changed its layout drastically so I had no idea where I was going, and when I found my head of year's office, I discovered it's been changed to a maths office! Eventually I found his office, not alot happened after that. He forgot to write down his passport number so he couldnt fill it all out so he's gonna take it home, fill out there and I've gotta go back tomorrow to pick it up =(
On a better note I've learnt how to Pinch Harmonic on the guitar, booyah! (all the instructions I had were shit and really vague so my guitar teacher explained properly =] )