Jul 26, 2006 14:39
I'm feeling...better haha. I've been working, hanging out with soph a lot, and of course going over to rose and danny's nearly every night. They finally told chris they were gonna leave...they just can't deal with it anymore and I don't blame them. They seriously have 10 straight nights of loud parties and beer pong, have a one night break, and then they're back at it again. Poor danny and rose will get like three hours of sleep and then wake up and drag themselves to work. I really hate how much people have changed...well at least the ones who have changed for the worse. Rose and I are closer than ever which rocks and that's the only real dramatic change among the girls. It's mostly the guys...they're all on huge ego-trips now and have become...assholes really haha. I just wanted to come home and have an amazing summer like i did last summer. Oh well, don't get me wrong my friends still fucking rock, they're just not the same. I try to sit here and be happy for all the girls since they are all so happy where they are right now...but i'm still a bitter bitch haha. I told rose that I was going to be the old hag of the group, and she told me i could live with her and danny since i already do hahaha. Lonliness is a bitch...
I fucking cannot WAIT until tuesday..i'm going to colorado to see my brother which is going to fucking rock. I get to party with him and his friends, see guinness, and fort collins is supposed to be beautiful this time of years so it should be exciting. P.S. everyone go to www.myspace.com/phunnypharm check it out...love it.