Nov 02, 2005 19:15
Well, last night laura and kristin told me they're not sure if they want to live with me next year...awesome. Not trying to make you guys feel bad or anything but i've basically been trying to think of living situations for myself for next year which is one more thing i have to stress about. I have a few options (1) put myself out there as a random roommate (2) go home (3) ask ricky if he wants to live together next year (4) transfer to GMU with soph and roni (which was my parents suggestion actually) I agree with them, i'm having a lot of trouble fitting in here, all I do is hang with robert and that's because he's my best friend here and he's the only person i feel comfotable around. Now this isn't suppose to offend anyone, but I've lived the bast 7 years of my life trying to squeeze my way into a new group of friends and i'm literally just exhausted from it, i'm sick of always trying. So that's basically why gmu is sounding quite tempting to me. I think that the only thing keeping me from going to gmu is the fact that jmu has such a fucking amazing business program and it would be really good for me.
As far as classes I guess i'm doing ok. I'm working a lot harder than i was last year which is good but not good enough. I don't know...I just don't understand why I can't do it! GAH! I use to do soo well in i'd cry myself to sleep if i got a fucking C! damn.