May 08, 2005 16:04
Today is MOTHER'S DAY and I dont know about all of you guys....but......I LOVE MY MOM! she means the world to me. Im very close to her and whenever I have a problem I know I can always go to her for it and she can always give me great advice. She believes in me, and believes that everything I say im going to do when I get older that I will. I know I can talk to her about anything and she will never think im a bad person for it. I can never lie to her, nor would I want to. And as of right now were makeing cookies. Which means alot to me because I never get to spend time with my mom. I love her because I know that if theres one person in the world that will always be there for me, is her. Yea we dont always get along, but what kind of child and parent does right? what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger.
So, I have alot of things on my mind lately, Mikeys graduateing which im really not looking forward to he is my best friend. I've gotten to know Cassy, a little better from the last show, and I've realized that she is a really nice person, she has a good heart. Schools almost over and I will be graduated in 2 years, its really shocking actually, but Im excited, cuz im going to AUSTRALIA no matter how many people dont believe me!
Smile......cuz your ALIVE!