did you know that today is national drive-thru day? appreciate me, okay? come mime me a hug through the bulletproof glass.
dear readers, today we break from our regularly scheduled toy-camera hijinks to present That's So Laura, or What I Did All Day Yesterday. i went through boxes in my parents' house, and found so much junk and crap and trash and useless shit. but about 10% of it was worth looking at.
here's episode 1:
High School
mrs. mulhearn, julie, me
my next-door neighbors
apparently my shutterbug tendencies go pretty far back. these guys are like 11 and 14 now, & they are still so damn cute.
so weird to see my yard with grass.
craig: so intense. (cheers though, this is what he's still doing.)
my dad and the devil at chimney rock.
that was a dad & laura day--very good memory.
fun fact: we ran into weather channel correspondent jim cantore hiking up the thing.
edible bubbles: serious business. this was funny in the moment,
but it was even funnier later on when we all got our pictures back and the bubbles didn't show up.
damn, that awkward mouth-open pose is funny when you're 16.
martin luther's 95 theses are discovered by 2 suspiciously feminine german monks
kimby, my dearest