
Feb 13, 2005 15:20

Just one word:
States was so much fun. We got there on friday between 3 and 4 pm. As soon as we finished unpacking, the first thing we did was collect firewood to build a campfire. We later practiced for ropebridge and then went to eat. When we came back we practiced some map-reading and orienteering and first aid. After that, me and Sergio went to find some more firewood cause the girls had used up all of the boys'. Lights out was at 10:30 pm. Saturday morning was FREEZING! We got up at 5:10 am and put on our BDUs to start our PT. As soon as we were ready, we lit up the campfire again and settled in to warm our bodies for a while. PT was super cold. As soon as I started doing push-ups my entire body fell asleep. It was horrible, cause I only pushed 75 in two minutes! That sucks. Anywho, I ran the two miles in 12 min 24sec, which I thought was pretty good for such cold conditions. After PT everything else was ok  cause our bodies had warmed up......until orienteering. Sergio and I shot our azimuth and started off good, after minutes of looking for our point, we went back about halfway, shot a back azimuth, went back again and still didn't find anything. Then we decided to go back to the starting point, shot it again and we still found no sign of the damn point. In the end, we ended up winning 1st place in the fist aid/ litter carry and in the five mile relay (Hendrick, you're a BADASS!) and 2nd place in the rope bridge and with 3 penalties. I'm so glad to be back home now in warm Miami, and I just can't wait for tomorrow. Valentines Day.

Home again
I like to be here when I can
When I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
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