Before reading this I think you should all go and read Patrick's most recent blog post. This journal entry will make very little sense if you don't.
Patrick's Original Blog Entry Ok, now to continue with what I was saying. I read this- well, actually a friend linked me to it and I cried over it as I read it- and I just about had a meltdown. It is honestly, without a doubt the most disheartening thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading.
Now, I don't have a lot of time to make this post but I would just like to duly express how much this breaks my heart and my spirit. Fall Out Boy is the band that made me look at myself and my life and see that I was worth so much more than I was given credit for. That being said, regardless of what the four of them are doing right now, I'm behind them 100%. I love Black Cards, I love The D***ed Things, and I love Patrick Stump and everything he partakes in. People like Patrick give kids like us hope. They allow us to see that we don't HAVE to conform to other people's expectations. We can step out of the box we've been put in and do what makes us happy.
The fact that FOB fans-- or kids pretending to be-- can go and bash someone they supposedly idolize is sickening to me. And on the note of, "We liked him better fat." I think that is absolutely ridiculous. People lose weight because they want to be healthy. If these kids were real fans then they wouldn't have such an aversion to Patrick's weight loss. Because that is what makes him HAPPY. That is what is keeping him healthy. What kind of fan doesn't want their idol to be healthy and happy?
Honestly, I'm so upset right now I'm on the verge of tears. This man is an inspiration to more people than he is a target for ridicule for. I just hope that in whatever he and FOB decide to do in the coming years, they don't let haters ruin it for them.
I can only hope that the boys do stay strong and when they come back, they're coming back swinging.
Believers Never Die <3