Brendan Nelson has been watching videos of a man with a giant fake penis

Feb 23, 2006 11:02

"Indonesian Soft Drink Review" brought to you by Chaddy Mart.

F&N Sarsi.

Sarsi is possibly the sweetest fucking drink I have ever consumed in my entire life. Like so sweet that heroin junkies everywhere would drop their cans of flat diet coke and suckle from the sarsi like it were a mother's teat.
Once you get over the almost incapacitating sweetness of the sarsi, it's not that bad at all. It has a really strong medicine taste, like the American cherry coke.
ACTUALLY, you know what, It tastes like the American version of Dr Pepper, you know that they used to have in 7-11 years ago? Back in the day, when they used to stock all that american shit like Jolt Cola. Fuck man, the american stuff was the fucknig BOMB.
Then, they bought the licence for it here and released it into the Aussie market but they changed the formula so it tasted just like Coke but with a vanilla tinge and it flopped miserably.
Anyway, Sarsi is okay, but it's too sweet for me, it would be fucking awesome though if it wasnt loaded with the fucking split atoms of a sugar cane plant waiting to create and mushroom cloud of decay on my back teeth. If anytyhnig it has reignited my quest to find American Dr Pepper and Jolt Cola....

Speaking of my new best friends at Chaddy Mart, I have become obsessed with cheap Indonesian groceries. I snagged a fucking BOX of 40 mee goreng packets for $4. I bought these super tasty peanuts covered in this spicy tapioca shell, that have a picture of A BUNNY AND BABY BUNNY ON RIDING A G ROCKET GIVING OUT EATER EGGS on the packet.
I bought Crythanthemum tea in a can. I love the Chaddy Mart.

I had a band rehearsal in a video store the other day.

Things I like:
Being able to talk about OUR house.
Making passionate love.
Vietnamese rice paper rolls that have mint and stuff in them.
That new Tegan and Sara cover of the White Stripes.
That all of my friends are finding love. Dan and Nick and Tilt all have girlfriends. That makes me happy.
This really soft patch on the end my dog's nose.
Road trips.

Things I fucking hate:
4WDs and SUVs.
Fur Coats.
Having to go to work everyday when I could be laying in bed or going to op shops or making passionate love.
Paris Hilton.
Fines and fees and shit.
My car getting slowly fucked up.
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