(no subject)

Sep 14, 2011 00:37

hhhhh. What the fuck.

A birthday came and went. I try to write on the birthday, but saw no point. No events means no entry. Time was, I'd write just to write, but there's no point in that, either, so I cut the criteria for writing entries down. Then I cut it again, and again, and now it's an even that I feel is worthy of writing AND when I feel writing about it. Both criteria have to be met.

Birthday is not one of those crieteria anymore.
This is how little I think about my birthday: My birthday is September 8. I turned 34. On September 7, I thought I was 34. Some time ago I stopped caring about how old I was and stopped caring about wanting to do the math to figure it out. Just didn't matter to me. So on the evening of Sept 7 I became aware that I THOUGHT I was 34 ut wasn't really sure. I remembered there was a time when I had forgotten... then I started thinking I was 34. I decided to check my math.
I was a year off.
Didn't care.

Thought it was kind of amusing that on my birthday the old adage "Oh, I don't feel a day older!" would have a new meaning, kind of. But as for the whole AGE thing... and the whole BIRTHDAY thing...

big fuckin' deal.

Two events have met the criteria of writing an entry. You'd think the birthday WAS one of them, given the rant I just gave it, but... nope. My mom was more excited than I was.

My sis was playing redneck games Saturday and FINALLY fucked herself up. She was riding on the back of a 15 year old's ATV. It was like a grown-up's ATV, except much smaller. I had a three-wheeler when I was about 10, before they outlawed them. Dangerous fucker. Turned it over WAY too many times. And I was just riding it around in our grassy side yard. But that's beside the point. They were riding in the woods, in mud... like any proper redneck would. The 15 year old was driving, sis was on back, standing up, because there was no place to sit down. Brilliant. 15 year old loses control. Sis is thrown head over heels. Lands on her right shoulder. Has a possible torn rotator cuff. Will require lots of rehab and surgery, then more rehab.

She is 40 years old. Has never really been a responsible person, and I've held that against her. I think this might slow her down a little bit. I don't wish ill on her, but... I'm glad she's learning she's not invincible. That there are consequenses.

Went to see Earth at Bottletree tonight. Don't get out too much anymore. No money. Was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I was probably looking forward to it too much. I think I developed a preconcieved idea of what kind of show I was going to get. I know what kind of music Earth plays. Love it. Not the normal thing I listen to. But I was expecting this show to have the normal qualities of a show that I normally go to. No. Earth isn't that type of band. Most of the bands I listen to are loud, fast and brash and are like sledgehammers to your ears. Earth... is not. So I don't know why I was disappointed. I really shouldn't have been.

On the upside I got to hang out with a great couple of ex Customers from Astrobrain. These guys are ten years older than me, which means they're 20 years older than everyone else that was at that show. Their maturity shows. I was much more at home with them than I was with the kids. And yep, I called 'em kids. I did not feel at home in that situation. Last time I went to a place like that I felt the same way. I think my days of going to those places is over. Not like I went too much to begin with, but you get the point. Square pegs.

Weird place. I don't know how to have fun anymore.
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