May 01, 2005 01:05
So Im finally back to California. It sucks. I had fun at home. I dont have much to show for it but I did enjoy hanging out with my friends and seeing some old faces. As everyone prolly knows by now, Geraldine and I got back together! Im super happy about that. Although we have already started arguing about me going to San Fran with a girl from work, everything is okay. I know we will work through any problems we may run into, and I will be a better judge of future situations I encounter. I never told her about my friend Annie because of jealousy and trust issues that would and did arise...but it WAS STUPID to wait until I was en route to San Fran to tell her about her. It made it seem like i was hiding something, but i wasnt and am not. I just pulled a Jimmy and went about things the wrong way. It happens now and then, but im working hard on it. I will not let anything or anyone ruin the relationship we have again. We've come too far for that..I am sorry for being stupid, and it wont happen again.
So now that im back, i am going to get back to guitar and writing. I missed playing so much. Im going to get on a good sleep schedule and work out again. No more sleeping in, im gonna get up and run and have something to show for my day besides work. Maybe some good shows will come up. I hate going to shows alone, and there's no one really here thats into punk or h/c...but maybe that guy Rodriguez from work will go. He's an old school punker. Who knows...Oh yeah and i got the quit smoking book from my ma to read too. Im either going to quit in the next month, or wait until i go on the boat for 3 weeks. Cause then, you need to go to medical to get a "smoker's card" to be able to smoke on the boat. Without one of those, Id be forced to quit.
Okay, thats the update for tonight. Im gonna fold my clothes and get to bed. I gotta go get a haircut in the morning, so I need to sleep soon. Thanks to everyone who made time to hang out and pick my ass up while i was home.
Goodnight Geraldine I Love you.
Goodnight guys at home.