oh yeah, this thing

Jan 06, 2005 01:16

As a sort of new years resolution to myself, Im gonna try and write in this thing more often. I realized ive been talking to myself alot more than normal so i think i need some mental ventilation. Alot has happened in the past months.

First off, the band breaking up back in august (got the news on my birthday, go figure). It was definitly a shame, but we saw it coming from a mile away. After almost a year of searching, we just could not find a singer that was versitile enough to enhance our already unique sound. Although we did come close a few times, the people we did decide on just didnt have the dedication we were looking for. As time went on the four of us playing together began to lose its edge. It seemed like sometimes we were forcing ourselves to try and write a certain way and sometimes felt like a chore instead of a feeling. And when you realize that it just isnt fun anymore you gotta move on and find somthing else. I am grateful for being able to play with such incredibly talented musicians (Although i dont think either of the guys will ever realize it). My whole life ive been a very music oriented person, but being in this project COMPLETELY changed the way i look all kinds of music, and that i am very thankful for. Lately my attention is focused on DJing. For time being, i cant say that im serious about it or that i want to become a professional or whatever, but time and finances will tell. Its a very satifying hobby but until I can afford some real equipment (CD turntables, effects unit, and mixer) im able to make do with my laptop for now. Im looking into some webspace to upload some of my mixes so i can post what im working on. Nothing is definate but ive been considered to DJ this years 4th annual St Matty's day, which will be my first gig. Im hard at work putting together my setlist for it, a diverse blend of funky, uplifting, dark, melodic and ambient tunes. Im pretty excited about it.

Now about that special person who had the ability to make me feel important, interesting, disgusted and repulsed all at the same time. For the first time in a long time I found myself tip-toeing on the edge of that hellish pit called love. But fortunately before i fell in i regained my footing realizing that the person i had been dealing with all along turned out to be someone else completly. I hate lying. Im not good at it, and I can almost hate the people that do it. Especially when it deals with peoples emotions and feelings. I like to think of myself as an honest person, when i have something to say i will usually come out and say it. I think thats why im not really bothered by exposing myself on this type of forum, maybe because i want to show people whats going on in my head, and the kind of person i am even though i may seem different in person. I dont really know where im going with this but ill try and sum up my "love" life and the events over the past seven months. I met someone, we became incredibly attracted to each other. She was stuck living with a scumbag of a boyfriend. She came off as the kind of person i had been looking for all along, and she led me to beleive that we could have been perfect for each other, but she wasnt responsible enough to take control of her own life and commit to enhancing it. She put herself in a position that will bind her to this person for the rest of her life whether she wanted to or not. So i was forced to end our relationship before it ever had a chance to begin. In the end im happy i realized who she really was before getting too involved.

*all replys are encouraged and appreciated, if anyone remembers this exists :-)
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