Jul 13, 2005 13:10
I hate banks.
I hate money.
I hate cars.
I hate policies.
I hate insurance.
I hate credit.
I hate life right now.
So after "buying" a car, i go to the bank to pick up the loan check, happy as can be, and they tell me about some stupid policy about the car being more than 10 yrs old by the time the loan is up. I heard this and i thought the lady was joking, i almost started laughing. But basically they cant give me the loan for that car, or any other option that is affordable for me. Maybe if they could have filled me in about this lil' detail when i called before going to the dealer or approving me for the loan. Maybe it was hidden in the small print somewhere and i just happened to miss it. Whatever. Anyone who knows me, knows that im not an angry person and pretty im passive about alot of things. I have never felt so much hatred in my life after leaving the bank today. I didnt yell at anyone or make a spectical of myself in the middle of the bank (although it was seriously considered), but the ride home wasnt very quite. I knew it was to good to be true. I always seems to get so close to something and at the last minute, all is lost and im just back to where ive started, minus the self-esteem and confidence.
so now i have to try and find a dependable car with under 100k miles, less than 5 yrs old, and for around $5k, which will be highly unlikely. i might as well buy a bunch of sheet metal and 4 tires with the money.