Title: Vigil
Fandom: Inception
Rating: PG-13. Some mild swearing.
Characters: Arthur, Cobb (mentioned)
Summary: Done for an
inception_kink prompt. Cobb is critically injured, and in surgery. They’re not sure if he’s going to make it. Arthur can’t sleep, and finds himself in front of the hospital chapel. Mild Arthur/Cobb but can be read as gen.
Note: Mostly because I needed something in the middle of the hassle with my back-up beta. Also, Arthur's former affiliation is like Mal's - Catholic. It's rather ironic, considering Catholicism is pretty strict about their loads of rules and rituals. Lastly, I moderated his speech patterns. They're noticeably casual, because he's alone, and he's under a great deal of stress.
Also, happy Christmas, mates!
the chapel was deserted at this time of the night)