Title: A Question Of Scruples
Fandom: Inception
Rating: PG-13. Subject matter is basically about violence. Swearing.
Characters: Arthur, Cobb (mentioned), Eames
Summary: Done for an
inception_kink prompt. One of them has to shoot someone; the other doesn’t want to. “I’m a thief, not a murderer.” One-sided Arthur/Eames, mild Arthur/Cobb.
Note: Another quickie. Yes, I am stressed. Partly because I think that while Arthur may be a badass in dreams, it doesn't necessitate he's ruthless or whatever in the waking world. And partly because we need more cold/badass Eames. NOTE: Cobb does not appear. He is mentioned, but the Arthur-Cobb dynamic and difference is basically the underlying idea.
Am I right? But it's different for Cobb. )