just an update.

May 13, 2005 01:06

The past few weeks have been taking a toll on all my dimensions; mind, body, heart, and soul.

I really want to take a break and sleep for a few days. Literally sleep, without the burden of having to wake-up.

Schools been taking a great chunk of my time, and I’m not liking it. At least only 3 weeks to go, right?

Work.. it’s a mixed blessing to not have to be the ticket taker guy, but I find the tedium of concession and dealing with customers bothersome. Ushering isn’t that bad. In fact, I had fun ushering with a certain set of people..

Sleep has been so sporadic, there’s no point in defining it. I sleep when I can, for as long as I can, b4 the next activity beckons. Sadly, I still wake up in the ‘emptiness’ that’s been haunting me for the past few months.

My heart.. if I can even call it that, has been taking the biggest hits.. no comment there.

My soul.. I feel as if I was searching for something. Some point in my destiny where I’ll actually be happy, but the only recourse is ‘hope.’

My body.. I sprained the muscles that control my rotator cuff. It hurts like like.. but it’ll heal..

My mind.. as chaotic as ever, and the philosopher mode really gets burdensome. I like the moments where I’m totally free of thought, and I’m just ‘there’..

On retrospect, this whole entry sounds like I’m just b!tching.. but I just gotta vent somewhere I guess..

On the plus side..

• prom is Saturday.
• Star Wars Screening is Tuesday, a day I don’t work.
• I’ve started to dream again.
• My laptop is back and functioning to near peak potential.
• Sooner or later, I’ll be happy - I mean what was that about every cloud and a ‘silver lining’?
• I get my tax refund, uhh when?
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