Jun 27, 2004 22:49
this weekend was fun, birthday fun, non-homework fun, party fun, movie fun
the weather was awesome. except the rain ruined any chances of hot-tubbing on saturday but we had fun anyway. some people came over for a pot-luck and we had sushi and lots of other good stuff. it was nice to have our place full of people. that's actually the first time it's happened since we moved in.
fahrenheit 9/11 was wonderful. even though we sat in the front row, i enjoyed it thoroughly and i'm really glad michael moore made it. it made me angry. it made me cry. and it made me just a little more hopeful, seeing the standing ovation at the end and thinking about how many people all over the country were seeing it and learning.
before we left for the movie, i was looking through my sketchbook from last year. i was not in a very good period during the time around the beginning of the war. there was a lot of fear and depression, lots of feelings of helplessness. i thought about it while i was watching the movie, remembering the way i felt about "shock and awe" and the disgustingly inhumane way reporters were talking about it, using words like "fascinating" and "spectacular." it's not fireworks. every time you see one of those explosions, someone dies. probably several people. innocent people.
i am angry. i've been angry. i think a lot of americans are with me, and i hope there are more due to F9/11. I wonder if Bush has seen it? probably. I wonder what he thinks.
I wonder what John Kerry is going to do about the situation in Iraq if he gets elected. keep fighting? draft soldiers? I hope he knows what to do. I hope he's angry too.