Most folks know that my cat Cricket died mid-September. Second worse day of my life was when I realized that there was nothing they could do for the type of cancer she had and all that was left was to make her comfortable before ending her suffering. Worst day was two days later when I held her at the vet as she just... stopped. I honestly wasn't sure I was gonna make it through the next day. Obviously, I did--and probably will again--but, I don't know that I could ever do it again. Maybe it gets easier, but that's a sort of callousness I'm better at pretending I have than actually wanting to have. I had her for about 14 or 15 years which means she made it to about 16 or 17.
This is/was her.
Life goes on...
And about a week and a half before Thanksgiving I adopted a couple of kittens from a shelter in Salem. The first night in our home I could hold them both in one hand. They were so cute and adorable.
"Cute and adorable." Yeah, that shit got stale fast!
My apartment looks like Dresden after the fire-bombings. The evacuation of Saigon was less chaotic. They are evil. Well, one's evil; the other one is just really, really bad. Does anyone know a good Jesuit priest? One chock full of extra exorcisty powers? I will bind them with chains of iron and drive out the unclean! Begone demons, begone defilers from the pit!
Their names are Luna and Molly. Luna's the calico with white patches--she's bad. Molly is the tort with the caramel colored eyes--she's evil. I think there's some sort of math-thingie for corresponding numbers to letters that proves that Molly=666. Luna=665.
Anyway, this is them.
Ah, shit--they're awake. What's that smell? Is that ammonia... and bleach? And... oh, god--moth balls! I think they're making bathtub napalm! I gotta go! Bad! Bad! Put that down!