Workin in the New Year (documentary recap)

Jan 03, 2006 12:56

I used to think I was a work-a-holic... then murielmuriel pointed out that instead, I was simply lucky that what I do for work, as a hobby and for fun are all the same thing.

That said, I'm working too hard! I was up till 5am Sunday night and half as late last night pounding out the Mardi Gras doc frame by frame. It's a done film... but I've been overhauling it for its DVD print which is coming up fast.

Also on my plate is the Katrina doc. Once the Mardi Gras film is sent off (tomorrow I hope) I'll be in full-time Katrina editing mode. This will be much faster and incredibly fun... and important.

While casting interview subjects for this doc I'm realizing that getting the "gets" to speak with me isnt too unlike the Hollywood star system. First I need a hook - a reason the "get" would want to be in the film. After a few people have been taped and are in the film I use their names to assure other even bigger "gets" that it's safe and worth their time to be a part of it.

Documentary filmmaking is, in part, social architecture!

anyway, im off to take in a movie with my mom and aunt (Rumor Has It). Tomorrow I leave Alabama for New Orleans, where I plan to stay for a few weeks unless L and S kick me out!
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