(no subject)

Oct 19, 2011 15:14

So I finally got around to buying The Eagle on DVD a couple of weeks ago; then the Soul Sib and I watched it and without prompting he started giggling over how gay it was. I am so proud of him. All those years of forcing Alexander/Hephaistion on him have finally paid off. *Proud tears*

In terms of links, misspamela sums up how gay the film is very well. I still heartily suggest people buy the DVD and watch it for fun.

In another rec, I have a deep and abiding love for the BBC's Horrible Histories, which are technically aimed at kids, but how can you not love it when it has a Lady Gaga mock-up song of Cleopatra, a Spartan High School Musical and, of course, my absolute favourite a sketch, poking fun at Alexander the Great. I definitely don't have visions of Alexander and Hephaistion having the exact same conversation as that in the last link. XD

Anyone have anything that's making them smile at the moment? Link it!

film recs, classics, alexander, tv recs

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