(no subject)

Dec 02, 2010 18:25

BBC's 'Ancient Worlds' you lied to me. Last night I settled down for what promised to be an hour long programme on Alexander the Great and within twenty minutes you had gone through his entire history (badly, I might add) and moved on to his successors. His successors are not him. This is easily recognisable by the fact that the period after Alexander's death is known as the 'Successor Wars'. Why do a programme entitled 'Alexander the Great' and then barely look at him? Bad form, BBC. I got all excited for nothing.

And please stop claiming he was a religious megalomaniac. He wasn't. That is some seriously old school thinking and misinterpretation going on there.

In other news, I caved and brought £50 worth of Alexander books. Reviews to no doubt follow shortly. (One appears to be open prose on the Alexander/Hephaistion relationship. This book is a gamble and yet somehow I am still willing to pay £17 for it... damn you, obsession.)

Oh Alexander you give me joy.

omgwtf, rant, alexander, tv recs

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