(no subject)

Aug 17, 2010 14:47

Back from Cyprus (wreck diving was awesome, and there was even an Achilles wreck that I had to check out because, you know, Classics geek). Once again the M25 proved it is truly a creation of evil. Flying time from Cyprus to London Heathrow = 4hrs 30 mins. Driving time from London Heathrow to home = 5hrs 12 mins. Why does a one hour journey take so long, M25? Why?

And now I have a summer cold because going from 47 degrees centigrade (and sunny) to 14 degrees centigrade (and rainy) clearly does my body no good.

Also, waking up your first day back to a scream of: 'THE SNAKE'S ESCAPED! I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS!' is not fun. Particularly when you think, 'Oh, the snake's escaped. Wait. What fucking snake?!'*

Also, also: no fic got done on holiday. I apologise. :(

Now for flist catching up.

*The snake was eventually found asleep under a radiator and returned to his tank. It's name, apparently, is Twiglet.

real life, randomness, omgwtf

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