(no subject)

May 25, 2008 20:55

And now for something completely different: actually, no, I lied...

Firstly, some pondering. As I was bashing out the last bit of Boyfriend Blues (soon to be hot off the Satyrica press, which means I can then post it here), something wonderful happened to me. A plot bunny bit me. Damn it. Just to clarify - Reames, in her PHD thesis on Hephaistion, summarises his role within Alexander's court. Apparently he's the Macedonian equivalent of America's First Lady. After I'd finished rolling on the floor in gleeful hysterics (oh come on, we all know it's true!) I noticed she'd also added something very interesting.

She theorised - and I am inclined to side with her view - that he was also most likely the man who actually ran things. This didn't just mean he was the power behind the throne in terms of sorting out rations (although he did that), but that he was head of intelligence. This strikes me as an extremely interesting notion. Hephaistion was the spy-master. Although this is not a theory that's been bandied about much in academic circles (but then, not many people take the time to give Hephaistion more than a brief acknowledgment), wouldn't it just be completely perfect? Let's face it, Alexander was going to put Hephaistion in charge of the empire if anything untoward happened to him - that's what all the Chiliarch business was about - so it is quite clear that Hephiastion was an extremely competent individual.

So I was pondering this, and then I wondered: why has nobody ever written murder mysteries (or something inclined towards that genre) with Hephaistion as either a key, or main, character? I mean he'd be amazingly suited to running around trying to keep order and sorting out mysterious deaths, whilst Alexander was all 'I'm going to take over the world! w00t!'

So yeah. Damn you plot bunny. *Shakes fist*

Moving on to something completely different and I may have finally succumbed and downloaded the Junjou Romantica episodes off Aarinfantasy. Bother. I said I wouldn't be swayed by further trips into Anime/Manga land. And I definitely haven't just spent £40 on manga. No. Not at all.

And I leave you with news that since I am finally getting some peace and quiet over the next couple of days, expect Moonstone updates by Wednesday. Hurrah.

And on a quick note, I'm quite tempted to do a 'Good Gay Reading List' for you all. Anyone want that?

real life, moonstone arc, squee, plotting, alexander, hephaistion

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