Random updates on life and fics

Feb 02, 2008 18:53

So, in an earlier post I mentioned a guy who looks like Mars who - poor sod - is in my Alexander class. Turns out he apparently knows me, which is really awkward because I had no clue he was even there, until I happened to notice him as he was standing next to me. Oops. We've been together in the same classes for three years according to him. *Headdesk* Hello Cobalt, thy name is Miss Oblivious. Still he's a nice guy and it turns out his name is not Mars, or anything relating to Mars, which is such a shame really. Coffee was had and I may have spent the entire time grinning shiftily and wondering if he'd let me take a picture for the flist. Didn't dare ask in the end. And I may have been wondering where Sinn was...

In other news, Sirius is running around in my head shrieking lines from Macbeth and claiming he's a reincarnated Greek warrior (where he got this from I don't know); Sinn is informing me he's not had nearly enough love recently and deserves some screen time and Kitz has set up some kind of siege on my muse.

Still, at least I won't be bored any time soon.

Expect fic before too long...

Edit: Oh for god's sake - Sirius is now insisting he wears glasses on occasion. Someone tell him to stop it now.

real life, randomness, plotting

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