Author: Cobalt Mystic
Title: Snowflake II
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: G or PG if you’re squeamish about the boys playing with boys thing
Feedback: Mys has decided that she actually likes FB, so… constructive crit is fine, just be prepared for Mys to defend/explain her choices, and try not to do any permanent damage, k.
Disclaimer: Just playing with the pretty kittens. Unfortunately, they are not mine, but I will gladly groom and bathe them before sending them back home to Daddy (aka Joss/Mutant Enemy/et al).
Warnings/Squicks: none
Summary: Spike’s thoughts directly after
Fiendish Revenge - can stand alone (though it will make more sense if you’ve read
AN: Kinda an apology to all those Mys offended with Fiendish Revenge- I mean over 500 hits and like 5 comments (3 by personal friends and 2 by ppl who ALWAYS feed my demented muse *hugs you all*)
“Yes Sunshine, your Snowflake,” I whisper against his ear.
He doesn’t realize I know he calls me that, or that I understand why. Though what he sees as beautiful intricacies, I see as the blackened recesses of base emotions. Still, he’s always there shining his intense heat into that cold darkness and somehow, amazingly he sees beauty and compassion in the fractured and refracted backdrop.
It makes me wonder what he’ll see once his warmth and light illuminate all those shrouded niches.
I want to be an open book for my boy, but I’m afraid of what he’ll find- afraid my darkness will infect and consume him before his purity and light cleanse me.
I don’t mean redemption, leave that to the Poof and his precious ‘soul’. I’m talking about the love and acceptance he gives me everyday; the promise that that love and acceptance is eternal and that I, William the Bloody, am deserving of it.
He’s my Sunshine and I’ll open myself to him even if his warmth burns me and threatens to destroy all that I am. I’ll always be his Snowflake.