Drabbles: Through the Fog, and Untitled

Sep 23, 2008 10:07

So Mys' brain seems to be going through this oddcycle of finishing a section of Arcana, Name, or Heart then writing a drabble, I blame Xandra. She's been telling the Mys to just take all these random bits she spouts (or doesn't spout) and turn them into proper drabbles...
Anyway, here two more drabbly things:

Author: Cobalt Mystic
Title: Through the Fog
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: PG for boys touching boys
Feedback: Suit yourself, just no permanent damage, k.
Disclaimer: Just playing with the pretty kittens. Unfortunately, they are not mine, but I will gladly groom and bathe them before sending them back home to Daddy (aka Joss/Mutant Enemy/et al).
Warnings/Squicks: none that Mys knows of
Summary: Umm, not really, it's just what comes out when Mys is waiting at the bus stop...

The fog rolled like mountain foothills- continuous and beautiful. The cool dampness made him long for home, for the cool touch of his lover’s skin and the damp sheen of sweat that covered his own body when they made passionate love. But he was here- thousands of miles from his lover, being teased by reminders of where he should be and who he should be with- mists of grey the colour of Spike’s lust-filled eyes surrounding him instead of his vamp’s protective embrace. The stinging spray from the waterfront, sharp and painful against skin more accustom to the meaty blows of battle or the sensual piercing of loving fangs.
With a sigh, Xander relinquished his view for the steep trek back to his hotel. He’d only walked a short way, when he was swept into a darkened alley and familiar lips pressed to his.
Breathlessly, “Baby.”
Spike nuzzled his boy’s neck, soaking in the sweet scents of love, lust, and, most of all, Xander. “Gone too long. Needed you,” the only explanation offered- the only one needed.

Author: Cobalt Mystic (posted at fall_for_sx under mysticsoblivion)
Title: Untitled fall_for_sx Drabble Tree Entry
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: PG for boys touching boys
Feedback: Suit yourself, just no permanent damage, k.
Disclaimer: Just playing with the pretty kittens. Unfortunately, they are not mine, but I will gladly groom and bathe them before sending them back home to Daddy (aka Joss/Mutant Enemy/et al).
Warnings/Squicks: none that Mys knows of
Summary: It's a drabble! Mys attempting her first drabble tree thingy- it doesn't get a Summary, lol.

Xander's breath caught at the intent look on Spike's face, and he shivered at the light touch. His blood running hotter than the fires of Hephaestus' forge (and he had so been spending too much time actually reading Wills' books) threatened to burst from his meagre mortal veins. He was close, so close to losing all control. Xander needed his lover's touch, his flesh, to feel the coolness of his body absorbing the mortal's burning heat. "Spike," the young man whimpered.
Taking pity, the vamp eased into their bed, wrapping his love in tender arms. "Shh, pet," he cooed, his voice a soft cloud of care and concern, "Witch says the fever'll break soon." Kissing the sweat dampened curls of his boy's head, "Jus' let Spike take care of you."

drabbles, spander, fall_for_sx

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