So lately I haven't been sleeping well. I thought it could be the new blanket over the window, disrupting my circadian rhythms.
argh128 thought it was because I frequently watch disturbing things just before bed (Criminal Minds being the main culprit.) "No wonder you can't sleep," he said, "with stuff like that running around in your brain."
This evening, I wanted to unwind before bed. But - if I'm avoiding disturbing things, reading that library copy of
I Am Not A Serial Killer is probably a bad plan. This gave me pause, because I'd idly picked up the book without thinking it was, well, kind of creepy.
This made me consider my To-Read shelf. How much of what I have counts as disturbing?
That led to an initial digression of what counted as disturbing. The obvious stuff ruled out horror and murder mystery novels.
Total books: 100
Books about/including:
horror novels - 5
murder mysteries - 6
anything by Lovecraft, or in the style of Lovecraft - 2
zombies - 4
corpses, ghosts, or the dead, somehow not included in the above categories - 7
suicide - 1
nuclear attacks - 2
Anna Karenina - 1
necromancy/mind control - 3
war - 9
the end of the world/dystopias - 25
child/animal abuse - 2
adultery - 2
incest - 1
Love In The Time of Cholera - 1
car crashes - 1
Nazis - 1
sociopaths - 1
concentration camps - 1
anything on Oprah's Book Club list, because let's be honest: she picks really disturbing novels - 1
76% of what I have on hand, immediately ruled out (barring a miscount).
My best bets are probably Kitty Tales: Bedtime Stories for Cats, and
The Design of Everyday Things.
Gastronaut might involve food poisoning, after all.