Aug 25, 2005 21:15
You've just gone to bed, but all i can think of is that i wish it were mine. Not so that i can make love to you or so that i can fulfill some sexual fantasy, but so that i can know that you are warm and happy as you sleep all the pain of the day away. So that when i see you smile while you dream i can think that it must have something to do with the love you feel for me in your heart. There was a time that when people would have called me a whore i would have proudly agreed with them, but that time has come to an end and it entirly because of you. You have shown me that it is both alright to love, but also that it is alright to truly live, to let another person past the masks and faces that i show the world. To let a person close enough that when they hurt or when i even think of a time when they hurt, it hurts me. And so as i sit here and look at your picture all i can think is that i never want it to end, and i never want us to cease to be. For once in my life i truely know what it means to love someone. And it is truly more than any person deserves to feel, even if they live a hundred life times, and so i thank you for letting me be the man who loves you and i thank you for being the first person who cared enough to make me love you.
Most people dont know this, but though most people may think that my idea of a perfect night is one that is romanced in sex and perversion, it is not. My idea of a truely perfect evening is one that ends with me holding the woman i love in my arms as we drift off to sweet slumber and for once in my life i can truly say that i can finally put a face to the person i have for so long picture and it is you Alison.
You can all say what you will about me and before i didnt care, now it just doesnt matter......