What is this? An update?!

Jul 25, 2005 20:26

I feel like updating. Don't know why.
I am very loyal to My xanga. That is why I rarely update. I suppose I will take this op to rant. YAY!!

So a ton of people are freaking out about HBP. Mainly, H/Hr shippers and people claiming that"they have read fanfiction that is better". I will start with the former.

H/Hr shippers are flipping out!! They are using Emerson's calling them 'delusional' as an excuse to whine and be bitter because they were wrong. (Allow me to take this moment to dance around singing 'WE WERE RIGHT!! WE WERE RIGHT!!! )They are like "I'm not going going to read book seven now". Well, as the H/hr shipper (who, you know, actually ave read the books) are a minority, your readership will not be a loss. They are flipping out on JK about the delusional thing. OK, REJECTS, that was EMERSON, NOT JK!! UGH!!! She disagreed with him, and said that they just need to re-read the books. And get this, folks! Some people STILL think it is going to be Harry and Hermione.

MA: How much fun did you have with the romance in this book?

JKR: Oh, loads. Doesn't it show?

MA: Yes.

JKR: There's a theory - this applies to detective novels, and then Harry, which is not really a detective novel, but it feels like one sometimes - that you should not have romantic intrigue in a detective book. Dorothy L. Sayers, who is queen of the genre said - and then broke her own rule, but said - that there is no place for romance in a detective story except that it can be useful to camouflage other people’s motives. That's true; it is a very useful trick. I've used that on Percy and I’ve used that to a degree on Tonks in this book, as a red herring. But having said that, I disagree inasmuch as mine are very character-driven books, and it’s so important, therefore, that we see these characters fall in love, which is a necessary part of life. How did you feel about the romance?

[Melissa puts her thumbs up and grins widely while…]

ES: We were hi-fiving the whole time.

JKR: [laughs] Yes! Good. I'm so glad.

MA: We were running back and forth between rooms yelling at each other.

ES: We thought it was clearer than ever that Harry and Ginny are an item and Ron and Hermione - although we think you made it painfully obvious in the first five books -

JKR: [points to herself and whispers] So do I!

ES: What was that?

JKR: [More loudly] Well so do I! So do I!

[All laugh; Melissa doubles over, hysterical, and may have died.]

ES: Harry/Hermione shippers - delusional!

JKR: Well no, I'm not going to - Emerson, I am not going to say they're delusional! They are still valued members of my readership! I am not going to use the word delusional. I am however, going to say - now I am trusting both of you to do the spoiler thing when you write this up -

[More laughter.]

JKR: I will say, that yes, I personally feel - well it's going to be clear once people have read book six. I mean, that’s it. It’s done, isn’t it? We know. Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione. I do feel that I have dropped heavy -

[All crack up]

JKR: - hints. ANVIL-sized, actually, hints, prior to this point. I certainly think even if subtle clues hadn't been picked up by the end of “Azkaban,” that by the time we hit Krum in Goblet...

But Ron - I had a lot of fun with that in this book. I really enjoyed writing the Ron/Lavender business, and the reason that was enjoyable was Ron up to this point has been quite immature compared to the other two and he kind of needed to make himself worthy of Hermione. Now, that didn't mean necessarily physical experience but he had to grow up emotionally and now he's taken a big step up. Because he's had the meaningless physical experience - let’s face it, his emotions were never deeply engaged with Lavender -

[Much laughter in which Melissa emits a "Won-Won"]

JKR: - and he's realized that that is ultimately not what he wants, which takes him a huge emotional step forward.

ES: So he's got a little bit more than a teaspoon, now there’s a tablespoon?

JKR: Yeah, I think. [Laughter]

MA: Watching all this, were you surprised when you first logged on and found this intense devotion to this thing that you knew was not going to happen?

JKR: Yes. Well, you see, I'm a relative newcomer to the world of shipping, because for a long time, I didn't go on the net and look up Harry Potter. A long time. Occasionally I had to, because there were weird news stories or something that I would have to go and check, because I was supposed to have said something I hadn’t said. I had never gone and looked at fan sites, and then one day I did and oh - my - god. Five hours later or something, I get up from the computer shaking slightly [all laugh]. ‘What is going on?’ And it was during that first mammoth session that I met the shippers, and it was a most extraordinary thing. I had no idea there was this huge underworld seething beneath me.

ES: She’s putting it into a positive light!

JKR: Well I am, I am, but you know. I want to make it clear that delusional is your word and not mine! [Much laughter.]

MA: You're making our lives a lot easier by laying it on the table -

JKR: Well I think anyone who is still shipping Harry/Hermione after this book -

ES: [whispered] Delusional!

JKR: Uh - no! But they need to go back and reread, I think.

ES: Thank you.

JKR: Yeah.

MA: That is going to -

JKR: Will it make your lives slightly easier?

[All three]: Yeah, yeah.

JKR: I think so.

MA: I have to tell you, I'm looking forward to [this coming out], because, you know, a lot of this is predicated upon a necessary hate for another character. Ron has suffered horribly at the hands of Harry/Hermione shippers.

JKR: That bit makes me very uncomfortable, actually. Yeah, that bit does make me uncomfortable.

ES: Honestly, I think the Harry/Hermione shippers are a very small percentage of the population anyway.

MA: Yeah, if you do a general poll -

ES: They seem more prominant online, but that’s just because the online fandom is very -

MA: Militant was the best word I heard -

JKR: Militant is a beautifully chosen word. Energetic. Feisty.

She said "Yes, we now know that it's Hermione and Ron". They are just all being very very bitter, and they need to get over it. They were wrong.
* * * * * * * * * * *


People are going around saying that JK Rowling doesn't even know her own character. They say that a lot of the characters were very OOC. This annoys me more then the H/Hr issue. OK, GUYS, it is NOT for you to decide with is and what is not OOC.It i JK Rowling's, as she wrote the characters and, thus, has the power to draw out their personalities. I think if I hear "Draco would never cry one more time, I will shoot someone. Same thing with Hermione: 'she would never use a boy...'. Um, CLEARLY she would, because she did. UIAGHEAIKSHGAFGADUFGLAGFLDJVBAHL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are not happy with the book, go read fanfiction.

Ok, I feel much better now.

Maybe a spam later.
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