Okay, this is my first post in the Writer's Commentary Project that
Hagar_972 began. The idea here is to pick one of my fics and and some general ideas about how the story was constructed, how it flowed, what the themes, and inspiration were. Tell me what you want me to comment on, and I'll build a commentary on the piece like this: Hagar's
Commentary on Two Sides of Midnight So the questions are:
What story do you want me to write a commentary on?
What questions do you have about how the story was developed and inspired:
If you feel inclined to follow up with a story of your own, I'll return the favor by asking you questions. Simply post it in your LJ or make a request on my LJ if you're not on my friend's list. (Very few people are) I'm not going to limit my requests to my PR stuff. If you want to ask about another story, feel free.
By the way, for those that don't know: I'm the fic writer Cobalt-Blue and my stuff can be found here: