1. Joe Abercrombie - Before They are Hanged
2. Joe Abercrombie - The Last Argument of Kings
3. Charles de Lint - The Blue Girl
4. Robert J Sawyer - Wake
5. Charles de Lint - Little (Grrl) Lost
6. Alastair Reynolds - House of Suns
7. Robert J Sawyer - Watch
8. Martin Millar - The Lonely Werewolf Girl
9. Nick Cave - The Death of Bunny Monroe
10. Holly Black - The Poison Eaters
11. Martin Millar - Milk, sulphate, and Alby Starvation
12. Neil Gaiman - Odd and the Frost Giants
13. Eoin Colfer - And Another Thing...
14. Philip Pulman - The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
15. Martin Millar - Suzy, Led Zeppelin, and Me
16. Holly Black - White Cat
17. Freda Warrington - Elfland
18. China Miéville - The City & The City
19. Robert J Sawyer - Flashforward
20. Martin Millar - Lux the Poet
21. Iain M Banks - Use of Weapons
22. Iain M Banks - The Player of Games
23. Jeff Noon - Nymphomation
24. Elizabeth Moon - Speed of Dark
25. Iain M Banks - Inversions
26. Terry Pratchett - I shall Wear Midnight
27. Curse of the Wolf Girl - Martin Millar
28, 29 & 30. Sherri Tepper - The Marianne Trilogy
31. Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl
Comments on the reading list:
I've really enjoyed the "kids" books I've read this year. The two Charles de Lint books were fantastic. Shame his "adult" books are less enthralling.
Martin Millar is my current obsession though. I read the Good Fairies of New York a while ago, and got the Lonely Werewolf Girl in Boston (although it has since been republished here and is freely available). The 3rd in the sequence (they aren't sequels at all) is Suzy, Led Zeppelin, and Me, and it on its way from Amazon as we speak.
I keep track of what I'm reading mainly on Goodreads now - you can
find me here.