That our complicity in global violence is unavoidable is one of the defining characteristics of the whole social order, and is why revolution is so urgently needed. Twisty I truly believe this.
While I think that mitigating the harm inflicted upon oppressed people(yes, that includes who is reading this who is not white or a woman and especially a combination thereof) the world over. I like Obama because I think he is going to mitigate global violence, but there is no way that any elected official, or non-elected official, can change the system such that it ends violence against oppressed peoples. It is simply impossible to fix the problems of people with no power when you have power, in the same way that it is impossible to fix all the problems that are inflicted upon women if you are a man. Speaking as a man, yes I can combat my male privilege and use it to educate other men but I cannot simply say "I abdicate all the power I have because I am white, male, American, etc." It doesn't work that way. I wish it did, it'd be a lot easier.
So here's the goals I'm setting out for all of you:
One, recognize how you wield power. This might be fairly obvious, maybe you have extra money to spend, maybe you have a job where you are in charge of hiring, maybe you have the choice of calling the cops because someone has done something you don't like. I'm not going to tell you what to do except to say that you need to look at the power you have and ask if you are using it in a way that promotes community amongst different sorts of people and moves us toward a more just world; or, if you us it in a way that hurts others.
I realize I'm being preachy here, but I think you all can handle it. Just think about how your actions effect the world and and act accordingly.