this is priceless. I could hardly stop laughing. That's how you deal with right wing wingnuts, call them losers and ignore them.
It reminds me of the time that some friends and I ended up at a bonfire on Ocean Beach next to the SFSU college republicans' bonfire. At some point we ended up talking to them, and getting stoned with them. The president was especially annoying, most of the rest were at least somewhat friendly. Well, we were all talking about the anti-war protests. I mentioned that I had taken part in the black Bloc action at one of the recent ones. Oh, prez was none to pleased at this. I justified my participation, and didn't really convince most of them, but in the end prez could do nothing but sputter "you're a terrorist!"
I don't know if I could react now in the same perfect way, but at the time I was dead on. I looked at him, scoffed, literally scoffed at him, which I don't think I've done since, nor had I done before, the I simply said "you lose" and turned to talk to someone else. Pretty much every one of the college republicans apologized to me about him. I was amazed thinking about it afterward.
After tomorrow I'm going to get to use this a lot more often.