Oct 28, 2004 00:57
so my icon is of the pigeon that rocked on tour when we stopped and got some hamburgers at this hamrurger joint in tacoma, that was a year ago... tvmuh winter tour and it was way cold. it was awesome, amazingly awesome.
i wonder what to do with my weekend, i was thinking that it would be awesome to ignore everyone, cause thats how we do in the nlv. or, i could masturbate on everyones face, aka see everyone that i could possibly want to see or fuck; preferably the latter.
* fucking is flattery *
i wish i was max ficsher. i wish i went to rushmore academy. i wish my sister wasnt up at one o clock in the morning yelling in the phone. i wish i was more like consey wonsey. wait, why is she up this late. she wonders if she should call some boy, who proabably is a douche patty. i wish i had a piece of ass, or maybe i piece of pie; bannana cream, apple, penis, its all the same. today i trained some dude named DARKO who has a twin bro name DAVOR! dudes are duders with dudeins, kind of. why are girls so ridiculous. why is it that my ideas are distorted with sex and drugs. my sister has to call stephanie back. why are boys full of deception and horrible, once again, horrible lies. why do girls affect how the world goes round and how do boys make the world go round. my sister is hella on crack, not really tho. my sister just asked, hey do you think ill die in my sleep. theres 100 dollars in front of me, and a water bottle. bill clinton is coming to towm on friday. he cant see you winking. water is healthy for you, and so am i; so drink me up. id pour a cup for two but the law says i need a license. my so called life is on, this is so awesome. the new jimmy eat world video is on, the new album rocks, i love this single, the girl in it has a good swagger. swagger reminds me of the murder city devils.
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