Aug 06, 2011 23:02
Oh my lj friends! I have forsaken you!
Well, no. It's just that in winter time when I hate to leave the house, I sit by my heat generating computer and read all about your lives and live vicariously through you.
Now it is summer time and I love it!!!! So I only stay at the computer when I have to for work, or when I jump over to facebook. it's a quick hit, wham bam thank you ma'am over there, whereas here is long and involved. I'm in, I'm updated, I'm out. Nice for the summer.
So, rest assured, come the time the snowflakes tumble 9and I don't even want to THINK about that anymore than I just did there) I will be back to reading all your lovely posts. For now, I'd rather listen to the chirp chirp chirp of the crickets.
Nothing personal, you know!