Steadfast Anchor of the Soul

Jul 28, 2010 16:53

The blue sky is cloudless above me. the breeze comes and goes through my hair, blowing the pages of my Bible side to side. the beer gets warmer as i take sips occasionally. i write. i write to my future self. the God of Heaven knows me and cares for me, in my backyard on the green grass watered everyday by the sprinklers. smells like summer. the purple flowers catch my eye, the only ones in bloom. blessed solitude.

this afternoon i left work a bit early about 3pm because it was beautiful outside and i just finished an OER, kinda like a reward. we have 5 1/c cadets onboard from the Coast Guard Academy, all women so we almost have 10 female officers! i showed them the shoes that arrived yesterday as i bought some new ones to be mailed to us in San Diego... but we aren't in San Diego, i know.

today we didn't go on a field trip to YBI, Treasure Island and Naval Air Station like we did yesterday. it was relatively peaceful. my mind keeps going though, non-stop. so thats why i come to my backyard this afternoon. to think. and pray and read my Bible in the sunshine. almost feel like my life is at a standstill. and that is not good. we have to continually improve and strive to be better people and Christians. i talked to a newly reported Seaman today who wants to be the ship's Protestant lay leader. i was thrilled. it will be good for someone new to hold the job and i can guide him if he needs it.

read some Hebrews today. "We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever." Hebrews 6:19-20 what assurance. a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul to enter the Kingdom of Heaven to be with Jesus :) He is going to prepare a place for us! (see John 14:1-4)

tonight is book club with my Urban Grace girlfriends, a benefit of being home and not underway, i dont have to email my responses in. this week is Anger, and Weeds of Anger. i dont consider myself an angry person, but just because i dont show it on the outside, doesn't mean i do not have it in my heart. most of the time it is at myself for not being 'good enough' and continuing to sin. i get frustrated when people are not on time, and more frustrated when I, myself, am not on time. How often am I, "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)?

i pray that i am tenderhearted, kind and forgiving. please hold me accountable if i am not.

be blessed

urban grace church, respectable sins, boutwell, bible, jesus christ

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