Apr 12, 2009 21:04
Praise God for his son Jesus Christ, who had been promised in the Old Testamen scriptures. He was born to Mary, a virgin and lived a sinless life. his first 30 years he studied, worked hard as a carpenter and loved people. He was God! Then he began his ministry around age 30 when he was baptized by John the Baptist. He performed miracles, was tempted, taught about Heaven and his Father, made disciples and walked the talk. For forty days he was tempted in the desert by Satan, just like we are, except that he did not succumb to satan like the first Adam did, and we follow as a result due to our sin-nature. We, as sinners, will die because we were not obedient to God and follow his law. And that is why Jesus came to earth, to be the atoning sacrifice on our behalf. Christ, the gentle, sinless lamb died in our place, the death that we are condemned to. Scripture was fulfilled. Jesus is our Lord, Savior, Redeemer and friend, fully man and fully God. He took on our sins, went to hell but rose after 3 days to be with his Father in Heaven and to prepare a place for us, for those who believe in Him. He gave us his Spirit to dwell in our hearts and lead our ways. And now we wait for his second coming when he will redeem his people and take us home. and that is the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.
Happy Easter! the reason we celebrate, God is gracious and good to his children.
This morning i headed off to church, getting ready to my Mars Hill church Death/Life... Good Friday/Easter Sunday CD and in reflection. I headed to the nursery and hung out with the 0-24month olds during core seminar. i love those kids. i changed my first diaper in i dont know how long, since i would babysit, but i did not forget :) I just love holding them, reading them stories and playing with whatever toys they like. i can carry two around at a time. yea for working out arms, shoulders and back, even when i dont want to.
I found Lisa Richardson and sat with her during service. I noticed that there were no Easter lilies. the church was not decorated at all. i found it odd. but i guess the reasoning behind it is that we celebrate Easter every Sunday, but if that is the case, then why did we only sing resurrection songs, huh? Pastor Mark still preached on Revelation, but everything leads back to the Gospel, so we still talked about Easter.
After service was the most interesting, we all chatted forever, like normal before Violet and i headed down to Danielle's house (which is really the Montgomery family's) for Easter Brunch. delicous, even though it was gluten free, even the carrot cake. then came the interesting part, the discussion between us, (4 single women, 2 single men, one engaged man, a married couple (Kirk and Katrina) and their two high-school aged sons.
how to rasie children, stemmed from one of the girls questions "what should i do with my life, i am almost 30, am not married, but desire to be." This opened the worm hole. The Montgomery's said that she should still be under her father's instruction. If our desire is to be wives and mothers, which is the Biblical base, then we should not be acquiring college debt, earning a degree we might not use, but learning how to be the help-mate for the husband. and if i met the man of God's dreams for me right now, i could not get married and move to be with him as i am attached to the Coast Guard for two more years, and $15,000 in debt from my car loan at the Academy. I have enough to pay it off now, as i am employed in the CG, but $519/month is rent. regardless of the fact that i invested all that money and put it away for my retirement to begin with.
What are we called to do as men and women, Biblically. Men: be Godly, lead the family and provide financially. Women: to be Godly, help the husband, raise the children (if any). The whole family unit's focus is to glorify God. How far off this we, in America? how are we going to raise the next generation to make the most of our gender roles, what we are geared for, what God made us for, in his divine plan.
a lot to think about. how am i going to be a good help-mate for my husband? how do i need to develop? maybe stop being do dang independent and competitive.
be blessed!
capitol hill baptist church,
mars hill church,
the gospel,
biblical manhood and womanhood,
jesus christ