Jul 31, 2006 02:14
time running short. abort mission. but wait, it's too late. the hole has been made. now i have to jump in. not sure how i feel. i still want this, right? my dream to take flight. pretty sure i do. but as of now, i've got my doubts. not about the goal. i'm sure of that. not about the plan. i'm sure of that. so what's the problem? why the doubts? too many things starting to make me pout. too much baggage i'll leave behind. years from now, will it all still be mine? baggage claim--get a ticket. hope it's all there, that nobody kicked it out the door for somebody else. or set aside, high, on a dusty shelf. can't bring them with me, but i wish i could. have everything and more--yeah, that'd be good. don't want to say goodbye, it'd be too hard. a storm coming from my eyes, i'd rather write a card that says what i need to. says what i feel. or maybe you can sense it, so let's make a deal. no goodbyes, no long drawn out scenes. just a pat on the back, nice and clean. i'll see you again soon, just promise me this--when i come back, our friendship i'll lack. so don't ever change, we'll just go back, to the way it was, we'll get on that same track.