Aug 21, 2006 08:52
In just about 1/2 Hour I'll be sitting in my very first collge class. I'm nervous as hell, and I don't know what I'm doing really. I probably am feeling normal though, about 95% of college freshman go through what I am.
Oh well, at least I am taking steps to being involved on Campus. I am a Hall Council for my hall, I am in the ROTC program, I plan on joining Cru, a Christian orginization, and playing intermural softball, so all's well that'll end well.
I am trying to improve myself, and show I can be a leader not a follower, even though in the Military, and other places I believe that the person who is sent out to do the "dirty" work is the most important person. Without them we'd have no one. I mean there's a reason why there's leaders, they don't want to have to go back to the dirty work, unless they get paid the same for it. That's where people like myself come in. It's not about money, it's about doing the best job you can, in the SAFEST and most EFFECTIVE way you can. *Notice I value SAFETY first, then everything else* It's about having fun at what you are doing. Now that doesn't mean that if someone asked me to be in a leadership role, I would decline. No I would see that as another challenge, another opportunity, a chance to grow.
Alright anyhow I want to get some food before I'm off so I'll talk to you later,
Love always,