Mar 21, 2006 22:38
I officially HATE school. No one told me what I was to expect out of my senior year, and it has been nothing except a pain in the ass. I feel like school is pointless, that I have gotten every possible thing out of it that I could. I also feel that my teachers like to put pressure on their students, and drive them beyond the realms of frustration.
I just recieved another research paper, on top of everything else.
My agenda looks like crap, and I am getting tired of this. I do one thing, and 5 more get piled on top of me. I am starting to get a little overwhelmed.
Here's whats going on basically until the end of the school year in all my classes:
Spanish-weekly vocab/quizzes
English-5-6 page research paper/Great Gatsby reading/study guide
Contemporary Issues-SAT Packet quiz, the final one on Thursday. Senior Thesis(3-5 Page Research paper)*I am pissed about this class, more on that later.*
Debate-working on Affirmative and Negative Debates, as well as doing "side" debates.
Art-Finish the Paper part of the Art Project due Monday/Study more art work, and finish art project completely.
JROTC-begin to go outside for P.T./Drill and Ceremony as well as classroom discussions.
*Alright why I'm pissed about my contemporary issues class. There are two Cont. Issues teachers, and I had liked mine...until now. The other class had been working on their senior thesis' all year, and knew all the specifications and everything. We were lucky to know just a little. I was working on it on my own, and today my teacher asked me if I cited my sources in my 4 1/2 page paper. I was like, I don't have any sources. Then she tells me it was suppose to be a RESEARCH PAPER!!! I sent her everything I had and I told her, tell me what I need to do. That pissed me off sooo much, I put all that work into it, and it's basically like a piece of toilet paper, I can use it to wipe the shit from my ass. I was livid all day after that. It just pisses me off that no one explained this to me sooner. And everytime someone asked my teacher about the senior thesis, she either a)told us we'd learn more soon, or B) our english teacher was going to work on it with us.
I have 3 fucking research papers, and they are all due in a relatively short amount of time. I'm sorry but I am frustrated and Pissed off. I wish my school didn't wait until the last minute to explain these things to everyone!!! I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have 6 more cards to write for my english research paper, so I'll update some more later.
Peace, Love you all,
P.S. I might be getting a Saturn which means I may be able to visit Marissa, Rachel, Carrie, Devin, Erika, Chris, Josh, and the rest of the crew without relying on anyone this weekend. I <3 every single one of my friends. Without them, I wouldn't be able to get through situations like above.