THEE best SO. CAL Experience ever!!!

Aug 03, 2004 20:13

Ok so in the subject line you can obviously tell that im going to talk about something fun!... Now i am a california native.. southern ca. native to be exact.. and i might have to say that yesterday.. aug 2 2004 was thee best day i have ever had in CA in my life!!! it started off by driving down to see my really good friend and sister (A PHI) Kristen C. Now, I always have a great time when i am hanging out with her... but yesterday topped it all... Kristen, Laura, Karina Terrry and I all went to Santa Monica and laid on the beach for a bit... then we went up to the pier and looked around.. rode a dolphin, and some got some ice cream... then we decided to go and walk the promenade on 3rd st. so we did... couple people bought some stuff and it was a real chill time (despite the fact that I am BROKE) anyways.. we had a great time showing Terry (kristens friend from tx.) all the sites of hobos and weirdos in LA (S.M.) then we all wanted to take Terry to Rodeo dr. and beverly hills and Bell Air.... soo we drove over to rodeo and started looking for famous people.. granted we really didnt think we were going to find any.. we thought we saw chris klein but we wernt sure.... Then we decided to go and see the osbournes house... Becuase Karina knew where it was   so we drove over to their front gate and took pics of the famous house.. but alas.. no stars.. not even the dogs were out :( soo then we noticed that these people were chasing this black dog that was running around and had a collar and tags on it.. so we decide to kinda see where its going.. a very nice looking bic bald guy drving a mercedes rolls down his window and tells us to help him catch the dog... so we say of course... giddy-ness ensues as everyone realizes how good looking he was..... so we turn around and start going after it.. eventually it runs back into its own yard and it turned out to be no one famous or important.... bah.... so we decided that we were going to go back to the osbournes house... we pull up to a light and we were in the turning lane but we needed to get out of it so we get out and this toyota 4-runner or land cruiser pulls up.. no tinted windows... Karina and Laura look over and take about 2 minutes to get out who they saw.... When they said the words David Spade we all turned around and kristen started screaming then we alll were screaming.. in davids car was this unidentified chick who tells him to "go" and none of us got a pic of david spade sitting next to us at a signal.. (this is getting rather long) sooo sad that we didnt get to look at him longer we still drove back to the osbournes.. as we are pulling past thier second gate.. none other than a black bentley carrying SHARON AND JACK pulls out and head the opposite way we were traveling.. "turn around turn around follow sharon" and such phrases were screamed at Laura who was driving.. sooo we stalked sharon for a good 4 blocks through Sunset Ave.... ahhhh good times..... this is however where our star stalking ended for the evening.. 3 celebs aint bad for about 30 minutes worth of work... and believe me screaming and pulling u-turns in the middle of tiny streets is HARD WORK..... so then we decided to go to bell air.. no one famous there but we drove right into the gated community and saw some of the largest houses i have ever seen with my own eyes..... WOW it was great.... we were all getting pretty hungry around that time since we didnt eat all day.... it was around 9ish pm... so we then headed to the greatest breakfast/dinner on the same plate place there could ever be.... ROSCOES CHICKEN AND WAFFLES..... UMMM good... the crowning moment was buying a bootlegged copy of The Notebook from a big black guy whose self title is "papa" as in "papa dont sell you nooo buuullshit" Haha Papa did sell us a little bit of bullshit... a few scences were blurry and what not.. but ohh well that was thee best movie i have seen in awhile.... sooo to sum it all up.... it was the Best Star Stalking followed by the Best Food and topped off with the Best Movie... ahhh alot goes into have the Best Southern California day EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good times girls thanks for the memories....... ohh kristen dont pick up people thongs on the beach ever again.... LoL JK JK!!!!!!!!
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