These Are The Voyages of the USS Enterprise...

Jan 04, 2011 12:43

It strikes me as ludicrous to have so many people not only defending Capt. Honors, but claiming that no one serving on his ship had a problem with the sexist, homophobic "morale" videos he screened weekly while he was XO of the Enterprise.

Defending him, fine, whatever. Maybe you like the guy. I'm sure he has his good points, few people are just out and out bastards and Honors certainly seems to be well-liked by many of the people who served under him.

But to claim that no one had issues at the time, that this is just some unfair media frenzy happening now because of the DADT repeal? There were complains through the CoC at the time, according to media mostly from female sailors. Enough complaints that Honors actually addresses that issue in one of his videos:
"Over the years I've gotten several complaints about inappropriate materials in these videos, never to me personally but, gutlessly, through other channels. This evening, all of you bleeding hearts and you, fag SWO boy, why don't you just go ahead and hug yourself for the next 20 minutes or so, because there's a really good chance you're gonna be offended tonight."

In that or another video, he acknowledges that his "favorite topic...chicks in the shower," is "the one that's landed me with the most complaints."

I don't know why the videos have come into the open now, though I'm thrilled that they have. Better late than never. What's interesting is that the media and Honors' supporters are focusing on the DADT issue almost exclusively, as both the reason for the leaking of the videos and all the outrage. There's nary a mention of the abhorrent sexism.

Imagine you're a female sailor on the Enterprise. Your XO thinks that you're happy to be seen by him as a "chick in the shower" in an erotic lesbian scene, or a "gutless bleeding heart" if you complain, appropriately, through your CoC.

Yet according to supporters, no one complained. Everyone thought it was hilarious. Capt. Honors was a morale-boosting superhero.

Oh, except a few uptight bitches, they didn't like it. But who cares, they're probably lesbos. Feminazi ones.
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