Apr 02, 2005 22:11
Hello. Its 10:12. I will now write on my day:
I woke up after having such a wonderful dream and fell head first into such a busy day. I went to the Fox today to see "Moving Out" It was good, i liked it. My mum kept worring if i liked it or not but i really did. Today just wasnt a very good talking day. I dont think i talked much at all. Im just too tired or careless to. Oh well. After we got back in the car the news came on about the Pope dying. I know right now that tomorrow will be such a slew at church. The lady who teaches my class really loves the pope. Every one thinks of him as their own second father and now he is dead and that makes people want to go to church so thats why tomorrow will be a slew at church. Im very tired and i cant think very well right now. I wish Heather was on line. I mean, its not that i dont want to talk to the ones who are on line right now, i just dont think i would be a very good conversation mate. Thank you Katie for wishing i was better or happier or what not. Its not that im upset or sad, its just that i dont care whats all going on and that carelessness makes you in a dream like way...i dont know. Im fine. I really am.