Blackmail (Spike and Dawn drabble)

Apr 22, 2010 17:48

 (I've been told that I should start titling these. So the prompt is now the title.)

disregard05 asked for Spike, Dawn...and that ugly word, "blackmail". Cuteness and snark.
I went for emotional blackmail, clearly. :D Most of the snark is from Dawn, because post-S5 Spike just isn't that snarky. :( I tried to do this one in exactly one hundred words, so ( Read more... )

ficlet, spike and dawn, buffy the vampire slayer

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Comments 13

fangfaceandrea April 23 2010, 08:34:57 UTC
hahahahaah, funny and cute. Just perfect.


coalitiongirl April 23 2010, 19:14:05 UTC
Thank you! Those two are such fun... :D


gillo April 23 2010, 08:41:44 UTC
Love that ending! And Dawn blackmailing Spike is one of my favourite things! Well done.


coalitiongirl April 23 2010, 19:14:36 UTC
Heh, glad you liked it!


disregard05 April 23 2010, 15:23:42 UTC
That's where it came from, then! So cute! "And you won’t even...The thing is, I’m so lonely, all the time..." Love the little switch there. I can imagine the little downcast eyes and how she drags out the "o" in "lonely".

Perfect voices and perfect end, as always. Very nice and I loved it! Thanks!

(I was going to mention the need for titles, but you beat me to it. I despise untitled pieces.)


coalitiongirl April 23 2010, 19:17:00 UTC
Yup- I know it's a bit cliche, having Spike the one to teach Dawn how to shoplift, but if it works... :D

Yeah, these drabbles are so leetle, it would have taken me more time to come up with the title than to write the whole piece. :\


moscow_watcher April 23 2010, 16:23:18 UTC
Mwahaha! Your Spike and Dawn are perfect! :)


coalitiongirl April 23 2010, 19:17:17 UTC
Lol, thank you! They're much fun to write together. :D


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coalitiongirl April 27 2010, 19:43:07 UTC
Thank you! Yep, Spike can't say no...especially to Summers tears. :P


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