Yay okay so I was all set to write fic because ROBOTS, but then I realized that I don't have any way to write this without more information and this is instead going to be a list about how much I love the comics (lol thesis draft? what thesis draft?) and this particular twist and mostly this issue as a whole. I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS Y'ALL. Also I've talked about all of this already but I'm organizing it into one place because thoughts. Should be organized. And stuff.
1. Like...Severin had really interesting abilities as a villain and I'm sure that it all makes sense once we finish the season (and the last issue of S8 is a huge part of why I love it so much so I can't judge until that final issue!) and maybe he's connected to the Seed and that's why he has these abilities, but we're dealing with a magic-less world and I love how this situation has shifted to something less magical and more science fiction-y. We've already seen the cover for next issue, with Buffy on the viewscreen and the implication that this is all scientific (albeit scientific in a Buffyverse way, where the Buffybot can exist as a perfect duplicate and the Initiative can make Adam without any magic and MECHA DAWN), and I'm really digging that they're working with that instead of compromising to give us magic.
2. And the way that this robot functions is so perfectly in tune with current events (though it's nothing new, and I appreciate the fact that this isn't being dealt with just as political commentary), because this is all about Buffy's body and how it's been undergoing all this abuse beyond her control. She's been blacked out at a party (where she only seemed buzzed on page), ostensibly had sex with someone when she may not have been in control of herself, found herself pregnant from these events, and when she makes the active decision to stop this chain of events, she finds out that she's a robot and has no way of taking charge of her own body. This is a story about Buffy taking back her agency, and I lovelovelove that they're throwing us back into metaphor to give Buffy this journey to regaining herself. Because ROBOTS. But also WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE.
3. I haven't seen Dollhouse so I can't talk about that, and I don't think that Joss would repeat Moffat's Amy plot when it's so against the choice story he wanted to tell so I won't talk about that, but can we just discuss how wonderful this plot is? Because I'm sitting here genuinely interested in what's going to come next and it isn't necessarily the emotional component that has me intrigued (though that does, too, naturally!), it's the robot and why is there a robot what did you do Andrew is this the Big Bad at last I MUST KNOW MORE. Also I love how this has actually been foreshadowed several times and there's enough information leading up to it that it makes sense but I'm still completely taken by surprise and don't know the how yet! I like not knowing what comes next, even when it works with the plot. I like the fact that I've been staring at that panel with Andrew building the bot in it for five minutes and I still have no idea where he is or what clues there might be there (until long after the fact when I'll understand them!). And I'm still trying to figure out everything that comes next and came before and I still don'thave enough information and that has me so enthralled~
4. On another note...I ship therefore I am.
We haven't had major characters really not in the know being introduced into it in ages (beyond the potentials). Everyone new has an agenda related to the supernatural and we're supposed to be shocked every time a Riley or Ben or Robin shows up, but it's come to the point that Dowling is the exception to a rule that doesn't surprise me anymore. And I love it! I love having a character who isn't in the know suddenly discovering that a part of his job is a whole lot harder than he'd thought, that he comes from the Harmony era and still puts his faith in Buffy and co. almost immediately, that he's still figuring things out but at the core, he's just a normal guy who's going to have to learn to fight zompires because he makes it his job. And I absolutely love seeing Buffy through his eyes and how he's secondary but it isn't a problem of power imbalance now because they both have what to contribute in this case (though it might be if they ever have a relationship WE'LL SEE) and really I'm just rambling now but I'm hoping very much that Buffy does start working with the SFPD at least as a consultant? Really I just love how many new characters we're getting and how we have a broad range of personalities and roles but everyone's getting moments without overshadowing Buffy and her main story, just like we had in the series (with occasional exceptions) and on that note, I love the slow burn stories but I'm missing Xander and Dawn and Xander-and-Dawn and I can't wait until their stories take off KBYE NOW.
5. Haha no I'm not done.
Spiiiiiike. Stooooop. Everyone is so in character this issue I love it so much. And I love how frustrated and oversensitive Spike is about everything and the storming off and the trying to make a big statement before winding up exactly where he wants to be- and I've seen a lot of talk about subverting the word "normal" and I think Spike really is trying to do that in the final scene, because it makes so much sense that Buffy regresses when she's confronted with situations that call her ability to be "normal" into question, and that's why in S6 and S9 both she latches onto the idea that she needs the non-supernatural to be normal. Meanwhile, Spike is pointing out that normal does exist even within the supernatural as a normal, healthy, balanced relationship and they can find that normalcy together. And that really works for me? Especially when it's cut off by Buffy discovering that oh right, she isn't going to find normal ever because SHE'S A F#*%ING ROBOT. On the other hand, I don't think she actually wants normal anymore, and I think that's the point that she's trying to make at the start of the issue before Spike gets pissy and leaves.
6. And also this happens again and IT IS GLORIOUS.
Because Buffy has the opportunity to shrug off what Dowling's saying and continue her life happily oblivious, but she doesn't. She goes after him and confronts him even though she knows that this is also going to mean that she has to expose her own feelings on the matter, and Buffy emotionally-closed-off Summers is finally taking up the chase and making the first move. And that can't be easy, especially when you tell a guy you love him and two weeks later he's back in the world and never bothers to let you know, and it's indicative of how much her relationship with him (whatever it may be) means to her that she's willing to immediately address the elephant in the room rather than revert to avoidance. If she wants a relationship with him, she's being frank about it. If she just wants a friendship, she's being careful not to lead him on. And we presumably won't know for a while, but that fact that she does this is so beautiful to me YOU TWO YOU TWO
LAYERS UPON LAYERS UPON LAYERS IS MY SPUFFY TODAY. they talk and talk and they're really just talking around what they want to say, and Chambliss nails that this issue WHEN WILL IT BE APRIL ALREADY.
Also have a beyootiful image from
Liz over at Tumblr:
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