aka Tumblr dump

Feb 06, 2012 22:48

School's been keeping me busy, and I've been avoiding LJ altogether because I've been feeling terribly uncreative and this place seems to exist to rub that in. :) But! I actually wrote some 100-odd words of fic today, and it's short and silly and I thought, why not share?

No title, not much content, and the plot is basically just

Drunken fumbling. That’s all it was, two people reacting incredibly stupidly to one too many questions about his sexuality (You’ll never know if you don’t try, she’d said, and it had made so much sense to his far-from-sober mind), and now he had answers about that but none about how to react to Buffy.

She acted like it never happened, so he did too (though he couldn’t resist a significant look when they were next together at an intimate Scooby meeting he’d been invited to for ~some reason~), and he finally changed his desktop wallpaper from Lara Croft to Nathan Fillion and stopped feeling odd about it. Baby, I was born this way.

Good thing he’d figured all that out before something dire had happened.

And speaking of babies, I couldn't resist sharing this picture.

comments. Comment at Dreamwidth or right here.

shai, ficlet, season nine, buffy the vampire slayer, andrew/buffy, snark

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