Meanwhile, on the fire escape... (Spike/Buffy), G

Jan 23, 2012 17:00

Remember a year ago, when we knew nothing about Season Nine at all? When speculation was rampant and Angel and Faith wasn't a thing and all we had was the fire escape? Right. So, pretend that this was written back then. (*checks* In addition to Embers's first chapter, apparently. Happy anniversary to Embers! Let's not talk about how I haven't ( Read more... )

ficlet, spike/buffy, season nine, buffy the vampire slayer

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Comments 24

penny_lane_42 January 23 2012, 22:23:31 UTC
So deliciously schmoopy! There can never be too much of that in the world. And there can never be enough looks at these two from outsider POVs (says she who finds herself writing them all the time). Thanks for sharing!


coalitiongirl January 24 2012, 07:55:41 UTC
Heh, I may have a slight inclination toward angst, have you noticed? :D So schmoopiness is in high demand for me.

And I've loved your outsider POVs! Prism and Kaleidoscope are two of my favorite fics. <3


gryfndor_godess January 23 2012, 22:45:27 UTC
Oh yay, this is lovely and such a good pick-me-up!

Aw, I love that it makes Xander nostalgic. Look at him, grown up and not being possessive/critical.

Buffy’s been nauseatingly obvious about it and Spike’s long gazes at Buffy have gotten downright indecent.

Hee! Adorable!

there’s that wistful gaze whenever Willow mentions Spike and sometimes Willow does just to watch the tension on Buffy’s face melt into soft longing.

That's so cute and cunning of Willow. I like how gentle and non-angsty the Scoobies are.

I have to ask: He sees them in the hallway mirror, locked in each other’s embrace

I haven't read most of S8; did vamps get reflections or is Xander just seeing Buffy and knows it's Spike? Cause that's actually a really funny concept, Xander looking in the mirror and seeing Buffy making out with no one and thinking, "What the hell?!?" and then being like, "Oh, right, Spike. LOL, that's weird."


coalitiongirl January 23 2012, 22:47:40 UTC
not doing a full response, just *facepalm* I am dumb. Will correct immediately. :)


coalitiongirl January 24 2012, 08:02:23 UTC
Thank you! Schmoop is so completely not what I normally write, but I figured that we haven't had much of it this season yet. :)

And re: the mirror thing (which anyway proves I shouldn't write fic when my [casual] beta isn't around). This is an enormously entertaining mental image and I would have found a way to fit it in if I weren't constrained by 100 words because Buffy making out with an invisible guy is so incredibly entertaining, LOL!


ellievanna January 23 2012, 22:55:49 UTC
Outside POV is one of my favorite things to read, especially when it comes to Spike and Buffy (though, ngl, most of my favorite things are especially when it comes to those too) and this is a wonderful example. I really needed some fluff today and this was just the best kind! Thank you for sharing. ♥


coalitiongirl January 24 2012, 08:04:49 UTC
Thank you! I love outsider POVs, too, and it's been too long since I've written one.

Glad I could oblige! ;)


(The comment has been removed)

coalitiongirl January 24 2012, 08:07:24 UTC
Hee, thank you! I think we're in dire need of it, after last issue... ;)


gillo January 24 2012, 00:36:55 UTC
Mmmm. Perfect schmoop for last thing at night, which it is for me. Love all the different but approving POVs.


coalitiongirl January 24 2012, 08:08:30 UTC
Heh, glad you enjoyed! :)

And Scooby approval was bound to happen sometime... (or not, but I'll live in my delusion for a while longer!)


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